The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida recently recognized RK&K’s work on the SR 528/SR 436 Interchange Reconfiguration for the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) with an Honor Award.
RK&K’s work included construction inspection of seven new bridges with six utilizing steel tub girders. The project also included the addition of one additional travel lane in each direction on SR 528 and improvements to signing, lighting, ITS and Fiber Optic Network, and several sustainability elements to minimize landscape and road maintenance impacts.
The $108 million reconstruction of the interchange between SR 528 and SR 436 expands capacity and improves traffic flow and safety for commuters traveling to the Orlando International Airport.
“It is an honor to be recognized alongside DRMP, Inc. for the engineering achievements on this successful project. This project required all hands-on deck from the CEI (RK&K) to the Engineer of Record (DRMP) and the support of CFX. Receiving this award jointly recognizes these efforts!” said Senior Project Engineer Lindsey Barnwell, PE.
Last year, the project was also named the Expressway Authority Project of the Year by the Florida Transportation Builders’ Association.